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Welcome to Economics By Design

Our mission is to design value into health systems by harnessing the disciplines of economics and design.

Bringing economics and design together provides a fresh value-based perspective to challenging population health issues.

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We work at a macro and micro level for health systems, government agencies, the third and private sector.

We have international experience in the UK, Europe, North America, the Middle East and Africa.

Digital Health & Innovation

Our team has experience in enabling digital health innovators to demonstrate and communicate clear value propositions to the health and care system. We can also help develop pricing models and strategies.

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Health Workforce

Our team has experience of designing value in and evaluating the value of the health and care workforce and associated innovation and transformation strategies.

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Global Health Systems

Our team has international and national experience of designing value into health financing, health payer + insurance models, payment mechanisms, provider models, policy and regulation.

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Integrated Care

Our team has experience of designing value in and evaluating improvement focused, wellness programs and prevention-based integrated care pathways across different disease groups, client groups, and health conditions.

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Financing UK Climate Change Adaptation: Can We Afford It?

Climate change is now a well-known, broadly recognised and politically contentious phenomenon that is taking place across the globe. As ...
health outcomes healthy populations

The 6 essential questions you need to ask health economists when their analysis includes health outcomes.

A look at the Economic Lens articles by Economics By Design shows that concepts such as ‘effectiveness’, ‘efficiency’, ‘productivity’ and ‘value’ ...

Integrated Care Systems: Value Case For Child Health Hubs

Integrated care systems for children can provide significant benefits for children and their families, for those working with children across ...

A Simple Model for Understanding Health Inequalities

We can observe the staggering scale of health inequalities and differences experienced by different communities. However, although the symptoms are ...

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Medical Technology ‘Med Tech’: Health Economic Value Explained

Medical Technology - Med Tech is a rapidly growing sector with numerous innovations emerging every day. This technology has the ...

Pharmaceutical Value Explained

The pharmaceutical industry is a significant contributor to the global economy and to health systems and health care across the ...

The Value Of Care Pathways Explained

Integrated care is increasingly underpinned by formal pre-defined care pathways for individuals with complex needs who need support from a ...

Financing UK Climate Change Adaptation: Can We Afford It?

Climate change is now a well-known, broadly recognised and politically contentious phenomenon that is taking place across the globe. As ...
public health economics prevention value roi

Value of Prevention

Prevention has been recognised as an important aspect of public health. It is often said that 'prevention is better than ...
social care elderly care recipients

What Is Social Care? A Simple Guide

In this economic lens we look at what social care is and who might need it, the relationship between social ...

Workforce Economics

training value enhancing value of nhs medical careers

Economic Workforce Planning: Treating People as Assets, Not Costs

In this article, we’ll argue that, despite recent history, treating healthcare staff as a cost and not an asset needs ...
Education and Training healthcare workforce training cycle

Educating & Training The Healthcare Workforce: An Overview

The Healthcare Workforce The healthcare workforce is an integral part of any successful health system. There are many different professions ...

The Healthcare Workforce: A Simple Guide

The terms healthcare workforce or healthcare professionals cover a vast array of disciplines and professional practices. There are over 350 ...