Health System

Health System features articles about how health systems work and the potential economic value of integrated care systems.


Medical Technology ‘Med Tech’: Health Economic Value Explained

Medical Technology - Med Tech is a rapidly growing sector with numerous innovations emerging every day. This technology has the ...

Pharmaceutical Value Explained

The pharmaceutical industry is a significant contributor to the global economy and to health systems and health care across the ...

The Value Of Care Pathways Explained

Integrated care is increasingly underpinned by formal pre-defined care pathways for individuals with complex needs who need support from a ...

Health Informatics And Information: An Overview

Health informatics, health information and health data are an important and valuable asset for patients who need to know about ...

Health Research And Development: An Overview

Why is there Research And Development in Healthcare? Health research and development is really important to the health sector. It ...
Education and Training healthcare workforce training cycle

Educating & Training The Healthcare Workforce: An Overview

The Healthcare Workforce The healthcare workforce is an integral part of any successful health system. There are many different professions ...

The Healthcare Workforce: A Simple Guide

The terms healthcare workforce or healthcare professionals cover a vast array of disciplines and professional practices. There are over 350 ...

Stakeholders In Healthcare: An Overview

What Is A Stakeholder In Healthcare? Stakeholders are individuals or groups who have an interest in a sector, such as ...
social care elderly care recipients

What Is Social Care? A Simple Guide

In this economic lens we look at what social care is and who might need it, the relationship between social ...
US intervention spending wider determinants of health

Wider Determinants of Health Explained

The wider determinants of health are the social, economic and environmental factors that influence our health ...

What are Health System Goals? A Simple Guide

Health system goals are the objectives that a healthcare system sets to improve the population health and the performance of ...

The Health Economics of Patient Safety

Patient safety is a top priority for patients, healthcare professionals, healthcare provider organisations, those that purchase healthcare on behalf of ...
integrated care systems

What are Integrated Care Systems? A Simple Guide

This article provides an overview of what is meant by integrated care, the evidence that supports it as a health ...
number of hospitals in the united states 2010-2019

What Are The Different Types of Healthcare Providers? A Simple Guide

This article looks at the ownership structures of the different types of healthcare providers ...
levels of care

What are Levels of Care? A Simple Guide

Levels of care describe the severity of an issue and the kinds of health conditions the doctors treat as well ...
essential health benefits UHC cube

What Are Essential Health Benefits? A Simple Guide

Essential Health Benefits: Governments and health insurers use pooled funds to purchase health benefits for their citizens or insured populations ...
health financing provider payment models

Health Financing Explained: Provider Payment Models

Providers (such as hospitals and doctors) need to be paid for the health care services they provide. This can be ...
health financing strategic purchasing

Health Financing Explained: Strategic Purchasing

Pooled funds are used to provide strategic purchasing of health care services ...
health financing risk pooling

Health Financing Explained: Risk Pooling

Risk Pooling requires funds gathered at scale can be pooled together in a way that allows them to be used ...
health financing revenue sources

Health Financing Explained: Revenue Sources

Revenue sources can be done at scale through government contributions, taxes, social insurance contributions, private insurance contributions, or philanthropic contributions ...
