Digital Health & Innovation


We provide confidential advice and support to a number of digital health companies on the development of their value proposition, economic impact, and pricing. Examples of the technology include: 


  • Artificial intelligence powered technology to support improved scheduling and management of patients
  • Artificial intelligence powered technology to support image interpretation
  • Tele-health and appointment management systems
  • Augmented reality tele-surgery solutions


Very few of these studies are in the public domain for commercial reasons. However, we are delighted to be able to showcase some of our project work here.

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Case Studies



Economics by Design has been providing specialist economics support to Proximie for over four years.

Proximie is a world leading digital platform that enables hospitals, surgeons, and medical device companies to “capture OR data, share information from anywhere, and generate new insights so they can improve outcomes and productivity.”

Our work has helped to inform the development of the value proposition for their key solutions both in the UK, the USA and where deployed to improve global health.

The technology enables safer, more efficient patient care, improves the quality and efficiency of training, and the quality of the experience for the health care professional.

Check out the US Efficiency Savings Calculator or UK Efficiency Savings Calculator we built with them to model potential savings

Digital Health & Innovation

Our team has experience in enabling digital health innovators to demonstrate and communicate clear value propositions to the health and care system. We can also help develop pricing models and strategies.

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Health Workforce

Our team has experience of designing value in and evaluating the value of the health and care workforce and associated innovation and transformation strategies.

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Global Health Systems

Our team has international and national experience of designing value into health financing, health payer + insurance models, payment mechanisms, provider models, policy and regulation.

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Integrated Care

Our team has experience of designing value in and evaluating improvement focused, wellness programs and prevention-based integrated care pathways across different disease groups, client groups, and health conditions.

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